Saturday, August 4

11:30am PDT

Opening Ceremonies • 開会式
Saturday, 11:30am – 12:00pm Diamond Stage
We begin the festivities with a First Nations’ blessing and greetings by PSFS President Edward Takayanagi and government officials, including MLA Melanie Mark, Vancouver East NDP MP Jenny Kwan and Consul General of Japan, Asako Okai. Shinobu Homma of Revery Architecture unveils the Karakasa Obake installation, the winning work of the PSF Design Competition. The Opening Ceremonies will be ASL interpreted.


Saturday August 4, 2018 11:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

11:30am PDT

Article 9 • 憲法9条
Saturday & Sunday, 11:30am-6:00pm, VJLS, 4th floor
The Article 9 display is comprised of photos, stories, sketch panels, and historical information concerning the A-bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

広島と長崎の原爆に関する写真、ストーリー、スケッチ、関連する 史実を含む展示です。 

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Saturday August 4, 2018 11:30am - 6:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

11:30am PDT

"316 Powell Street"316パウエル・ストリート
Ongoing all weekend, VJLS  
Meet the artist Saturday & Sunday 2pm-6pm
This installation piece is shaped as the map of Powell Street. The viewers are invited to write their childhood memory and stories about the neighborhood on a card in the gallery and put it into the pockets on the map. The artwork will keep changing as the viewers participate it.  
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Saturday August 4, 2018 11:30am - 7:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

11:30am PDT

Macro Maki Installation · マクロ巻きインスタレーション
Saturday & Sunday, 11:30am – 7:00pm, Oppenheimer Park
"Macro Maki" is an interactive installation which invites festival goers to don pillow-sized sushi costumes and stage selfies on a stage designed as an oversized wooden sushi tray. Winner of the Design Competition, Macro Maki is created by Arkgo Chen, Yilang Kang, Jivan Khera, Alex Laos and Divine Ndemeye, 1st-year Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Archi- tecture students at UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA). The Design Competition, in partnership with Bing Thom Architects (BTA) and Abaton Projects, made possible with financial support from BTA, Hapa Collaborative, PFS Studio, and several individual donors. Free.
インタラクティブなインスタレーション「マクロ巻き」は、本年度のデザイン・コンペの受賞作品です。ご来場の皆さまには、枕サイズの寿司のコスチュームを着て、ステージ上の木製の巨大寿司トレイの前で自撮りができるようになっています。本作品は、Arkgo Chen, Yilang Kang, Jivan Khera, Alex Laos, Divine Ndemeyeと、UBC建築学部および造園業学部の修士の学生ら5 名によって製作されました。このデザイン・コンペは、Bing Thom Architect(s BTA)、AbatonProjectsの協力のもと行われ、BTA、ハッパ・コラボラティブ、PFSスタジオ、そしてその他の寄贈者のみな さまのご支援のもと可能となりました。参加無料。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 11:30am - 7:00pm PDT
Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Vancouver Academy of Japanese Culture Dance • 日本語文化学院バトンクラブ
Saturday 12:00pm – 12:30pm, Diamond Stage
The objective of the Vancouver Academy of Japanese Culture is to teach the Japanese language through cultural experience. The featured performers are VAJC Baton and Pompom Club members.

日本語文化学院バトンクラブ、土曜、午後12時〜12時半、ダイ ヤモンド・ステージ
VAJC日本語アカデミーは、文化的な体験を通じて日本語教育を行 うことを目的としています。パウエル祭ではVAJCのバトン・ポンポ ンクラブのメンバーが発表します。 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 12:30pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Terry Watada テリー・ワタダ
Saturday, 12:00pm-12:30pm, Firehall Theatre 
Terry Watada will read from his book, "The Three Pleasures" in collaboration with taiko player, John Endo Greenaway. This program will be ASL interpreted.  
太鼓演奏者、ジョン・エンド・グリーナウェイの太鼓の音色と共に、著書The Three Pleasuresを朗読します。このプログラムはアメリカ手話通訳されます。 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 12:30pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

12:00pm PDT

Onibana Taiko · 鬼花太鼓
Saturday, 12:00pm – 12:30pm, Street Stage
Onibana is a type of flower that grows in Japanese grave sites. Through taiko, Onibana seek to similarly transform the elements of shadow into beauty. Eileen Kage, Noriko Kobayashi, and Leslie Komori have over 80 years of combined playing experience. They are proud to announce that they are all in their 50s and look forward to many more years of music. They are settlers of Japanese descent and acknowledge that they live on the unceded lands of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations. They are grateful to play and thrive on these lands. This year they are making Powell Street Festival history by being the first performing group composed entirely of former Powell Street Festival coordinators. They will collaborate with Highland dance group, A Shot of Scotch!  
鬼花は、日本の墓所に育つ花の一つです。私たちは、太鼓を通じ て世の中の陰の部分を美しいものに転じることを目指していま す。奏者のEileen Kage、Noriko Kobayashi、Leslie Komoriは、3 人合わせて80年を越える太鼓経験を持っています。50代であるこ とに誇りを持ち、これから何年も音楽を続けていきたいと思ってい ます。私たちは日本人を祖先に持ちますが、現在マスクエム、スク オミッシュ、スレイワトゥースのファースト・ネーションの土地に住 ませていただき、生き生きと演奏ができることに心から感謝してい ます。また、3人はかつてパウエル祭のコーディネーターを務めた 経験があり、このメンバーで戻ってくることはパウエル祭にとって も歴史的な意味があります。ハイランド、ダンスグループのショットオブスコッチとコラボしたユニークなステージにになります。 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 12:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

12:00pm PDT

Presence in the Absence – Chiharu Mizukawa, Tomoyo Ihaya, Nao Uda 水川千春、トモヨ・イハヤ、宇田奈緒 不在の中の存在
Saturday, 12pm-12:45pm, VJLS 
International visual artists talk about their process and the distinctive role that paper plays in their work. They will touch on the importance of storytelling, location, the elements, fragments, loss, and disappearance in their art.  
More info about Chiharu Mizukawa>
More info about Nao Uda>

Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 12:45pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

12:00pm PDT

Japan Bonsai Garden Art · 日本盆栽アート
Saturday & Sunday, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm at the Vancouver Buddhist Temple (220 Jackson)
Japan Bonsai Garden Art was founded over 40 years ago in British Columbia, Canada, and they are passionate and devoted to providing the highest quality bonsai, as well as education through their classes, demos and lectures. The art of miniature trees growing is illuminated through demonstrations and displays at the Vancouver Buddhist Temple. Demonstrations will take place from 11:30pm to 1:30pm on Saturday and Sunday.

土曜&日曜、午前12~午後1時30分 バンクーバー仏教会(220ジャクソン通り)

Japan Bonsai Garden Artは、40年以上前にカナダのBC州で設立 されました。メンバーは、上質の盆栽づくりに励み、教室での実演 や講習も行ってきました。バンクーバー仏教会で、実演をお楽しみ ください。実演は、土日の午前11時半〜午後1時半に行われます。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 1:30pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

12:00pm PDT

PALM Origami • 折り紙
Saturday, 12:00pm – 2:00pm at the Children’s Tent
For the beginner and the seasoned paper folder, brought to you by Paperfolders Around the Lower Mainland.
ローワーメインランド折り紙愛好会(PALM: Paperfolders Across the Lower Mainland)のメンバーが、折り紙が初めての方から上 級者まで幅広く指導します。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 2:00pm PDT
Children's Tent Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Chiharu Mizukawa – Water Branch 水川千春 - ウォーターブランチ
Saturday & Sunday, 12pm-5pm, Centre A Gallery 
Meet the artist at Centre A Gallery Saturday from 4pm-5pm
Chiharu's work is drawn with sea water and fire on paper. The transparent sea water is not visible to the eyes when drawing, but when it is torched with fire, impurities in the water burn away and become colours and images that reveal themselves.   
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Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Centre A Gallery 268 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1X6

12:00pm PDT

Displays at the Vancouver Buddhist Temple
Sunday from 12 pm to 5 pm
Displays are ongoing and located in the Vancouver Buddhist Temple, except for Article 9, which is located on the fourth floor of the Vancouver Japanese Language School. 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

12:00pm PDT

Nao Uda 宇田奈緒 "Words Fail Me" & "The Conversation"「ことばが出ない」&「会話」
Saturday & Sunday, 12:00pm-5:00pm, Centre A Gallery 
A slide projection of 45 photographs that were taken in the places related to the Japanese Canadian history in Canada. The stories are inspired from the interviews with Japanese Canadians who used to live on Powell Street in 1930s to 1940s.   
More info>

Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Centre A Gallery 268 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1X6

12:00pm PDT

Asahi Pitch Game · バンクーバー朝日軍 ピッチゲーム
Saturday & Sunday 12pm ‒ 5pm Oppenheimer Park Batter up! Can you strike out an Asahi baseball star? Pitch balls past the batter’s swing to win an assortment of prizes. All ages. $2 for three balls.

「打席につけ!」朝日軍の元野球選手を三振させられますか?空 振りをとったピッチャーには、様々な賞品を用意しています。対 象:子供からお年寄りまで。3球2ドル。 

Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Meet and Greet the Daruma · ダルマと写真を撮ろう!
Oppenheimer Park Daruma, the traditional Japanese “wishing doll”, greets festival goers throughout the weekend. Make a PSF birthday wish and/or post your photos at @powellstfest_ daruma #powellstfest. Costume design by Diane Park. 

土曜日&日曜日 午後12時~午後5時 オッペンハイマー公園
フェスティバル開催中、ダルマが来場者の皆様に挨拶にまわ ります。PSFの記念日を祝ってダルマと写真を撮り@powellst- fest_daruma #powellstfestにポストしてください。コスチューム デザイン:ディアン・パーク。

Saturday August 4, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Oppenheimer Park

12:30pm PDT

Bujinkan Taka Seigi Dojo 武人館
Saturday, 12:30pm – 1:00pm, Demonstration Area
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a Japanese martial system comprised of 9 warrior schools of Samurai and Ninjutsu traditions with lineage dating back more than 1000 years. Studied internationally by military and security organizations working in high-threat situations, grandmaster Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi’s Bujinkan system has received many elite awards including 2 from the Emperor of Japan (no other Japanese martial art has received this). Dai-shihan Paul Mann, 15th dan and head of the Bujinkan Vancouver Taka Seigi Dojo, has travelled regularly to Japan over the past 20 years to study under Dr. Hatsumi. 
武神館武道体術は、1000年以上前から侍と忍術の伝統を受け継ぐ9つの流派よりなる日本の武術です。国際的に、危険度の高い現場で働く軍事、保安機関により研究され、初見良昭師の武人館は、天皇陛下からの2つの賞を含む、数多くの賞を受賞しました(他のどの日本武術も天皇陛下からの賞を受賞したことはありません)。武術館バンクーバー、Taka Seigi道場の代表、大師範であるポール・マンは、15段を所持し、過去20年以上定期的に日本へ渡航し、初見館長のもと武術を極めています。 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT

1:00pm PDT

Kisyuu Japanese Calligrapher · 書道家姫洲
Saturday, 1:00pm – 1:30pm, Street Stage 
Born and raised in Japan, Kisyuu started learning calligraphy when she was seven and was given a calligraphy master name, “Kisyuu,” from her master at age 18. She has been working on her calligraphy installations, exhibitions, live performances, custom logo design, and commissioned art works, as she wishes to build a bridge through art to connect dots. Kisyuu creates big pieces of calligraphy art during her live perfor- mances. She uses a variety of brushes which are up to 100cm long to create her art.

Japanese calligraphy is known as a quiet, delicate art, but here she shows the possibility and a new aspect of Japanese calligraphy which is dynamic and lively.

土曜、午後1時〜1時半 ストリート・ステージ 
日本で生まれ育った姫洲は、7歳で書道を始め、18歳の時に師匠 から書道家としての筆名(姫洲)をつけられました。さまざまな分 野の橋渡しをするため、書道のインスタレーション、展示、実演、ロ ゴ・デザイン、顧客への作品づくりに励んできました。パウエル祭 では、大筆による実演をします。使用する筆は最大100cmの物を 含め、さまざまです。日本の書道は、静かで繊細な芸術として知 られていますが、姫洲は書道のダイナミックで生き生きとした新 しい側面を披露します。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 1:00pm - 1:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

1:00pm PDT

Omikoshi by Vancouver Rakuichi • バンクーバー楽一によるお神輿
Saturday, 1:00pm, Oppenheimer Park
The omikoshi, or portable shrine, is an essential element in festivals all over Japan. The carriers, who are believed to be possessed by a divine spirit, rock the omikoshi vig- orously; the more frenzied their efforts, the more good fortune is said to pass on to everyone. Sign up on the north side of the Fieldhouse to participate.

お神輿は、日本中のあらゆるお祭りで欠かせない存在です。神霊 が宿ると信じられた人が神輿を担ぎ激しく揺さぶることで、人々 に幸運がもたらされると考えられています。参加希望の方は、公 園北側、子供テントの近くで申込をしてください。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 1:00pm - 1:45pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

1:00pm PDT

Hapa-palooza: FLOATING LIGHTS, LIONS IN WAITING and JUKEN ハッパ・パローザ 映画上映
Saturday, 1:00pm–1:45pm, Firehall Theatre 
Curated by Hapa-palooza co-founder and award-winning filmmaker, Jeff Chiba Stearns, Hapa-palooza is proud to co-present this year’s Mixed Flicks screenings of the short films, FLOATING LIGHTS, LIONS IN WAITING and JUKEN. This program will also feature youth Japanese-Canadian actors panel with Koyu Rankin (Atari in Wes Anderson's, Isle of Dogs), Sahara Forest (Floating Lights), Erika Forest (Godzilla) and Taylor Kare (The Romeo Section). 45 minutes.  
Hapa-paloozaの共同設立者であり受賞歴のある映画監督のジェフ・チバ・スターンズが、今年のMixed Flicksの上映会と兼ねてお届けする短編映画「FLOATING LIGHTS」、「LIONS IN WAITING」、「JUKEN」。今回は、Koyu Rankin(Wes Anderson's、Isle of Dogs)、Sahara Forest(Floating Lights)、Erika Forest(Godzilla)、Taylor Kare(The Romeo Section)の若手日系カナダ人俳優のパネルもフィーチャーします。上映時間:45分 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 1:00pm - 1:45pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

1:30pm PDT

Kids These Days 最近の子どもたち
Saturday, 1:30pm-2:15pm, VJLS  
This hangout of multidisciplinary artists would be an intersectionally-minded, socially aware space where audiences can listen to thoughts, stories, and advice shared between young, queer Japanese Canadians and international guests of varying identities and backgrounds. Artists will discuss their experiences growing up in the Japanese diaspora, their approaches to their respective art forms, their relationship with parents/culture/identity, and more. Featuring Erica Hiroko, Kanon Hewitt, Akira Imai, and moderated by Emi Sasagawa. This program will be ASL interpreted.  

Saturday August 4, 2018 1:30pm - 2:15pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

1:30pm PDT

Vancouver Ikebana Association • バンクーバー生け花協会
The art of Japanese flower arranging. Demonstrations will take place from 1:30pm and 3:30pm on Saturday and Sunday.
日本の花道文化の展示。実演は、土日の午後1時半、3 時半に行われます。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 1:30pm - 2:30pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

2:00pm PDT

Suika Wari (Watermelon Game) • スイカ割り
Saturday, 2:00pm – 2:30pm, Children’s Tent 
Put on a blindfold, hit the watermelon, and win a prize! Sign up in advance at the Children’s Tent.
土曜、午後2時〜2時半, 子 供テント

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Saturday August 4, 2018 2:00pm - 2:30pm PDT
Children's Tent Oppenheimer Park

2:00pm PDT

Chibi Taiko • ちび太鼓
Saturday, 2:00pm – 2:30pm, Street Stage
The first youth Taiko ensemble, formed in 1993 by Shinobu Homma with the goal of passing taiko onto the next genera- tion of Asian Canadians. Their membership includes 14 youth, ages 13 to 29 years old. Chibi has been recognized as one of the most talented youth performing groups in BC. They have performed for the Vancouver Folk Music Festival, Vancouver Children's Festival, Cherry Blossom Festival, Nikkei Matsuri, and of course, Powell Street Festival.
土曜、午後2時〜2 時半、ストリート・ステージ
ちび太鼓は、次世代のアジア系カナダ人の子供たちに太鼓を伝えていこうと、Shinobu Hommaによって1993年に結成されました。メンバーは、13歳から29歳までの14人の若いメンバーで構成されています。ちび太鼓は、BC州のユースの太鼓グループとしては最も優れていると評価されています。これまで、パウエル祭はもちろん、バンクーバー・フォーク・ミュージック・フェスティバル、バンクーバー・チルドレン・フェスティバル、桜祭り、日系祭りで演奏してきました。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 2:00pm - 2:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

2:00pm PDT

Sawagi Taiko • さわぎ太鼓
Saturday, 2:00pm – 2:30pm, Diamond Stage
Formed in 1990 and was the first all Asian women taiko group in Canada. The group has performed in a variety of music festivals and other cultural and community events across Canada and the USA. Most of the pieces performed by Sawagi Taiko are composed or arranged by its members who, in addition to their taiko experience bring other artistic skills to the group, such as movement and voice. With diverse experiences as Asians, the members of Sawagi Taiko explore their cultural roots through taiko. In performance, Sawagi Taiko presents an image of Asian women as strong and powerful.
さわぎ太鼓は1990年に結成された、カナダ初、メンバー全員が女 性の太鼓グループです。さわぎ太鼓は静かで控えめといったアジ ア女性のステレオタイプを変え、異なるコミュニティの中で文化的 なつながりを促そうとしています。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 2:00pm - 2:30pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

2:00pm PDT

Japan's Supernatural 日本の神秘
Saturday, 2:00pm-2:45pm, Firehall Theatre  
From Godzilla to Pokémon, Japan is monster country. And all of Japan's monsters have their roots in the bizarre menagerie of creatures called yokai. Noted monster scholar and yokai folklorist Zack Davisson guides you through the history behind yokai; a journey from the invisible monsters of the Heian period to the yokai catalogs of Edo. 
More info>

Saturday August 4, 2018 2:00pm - 2:45pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

2:00pm PDT

Powell Street Historical Walking Tours (in English), • パウエル通りの歴史を巡るウォーキングツアー (英語でのツアー)
English Tours: Saturday, 2:00pm & 4:00pm & Sunday, 2:00pm & 3:00pm 
Japanese Tours: Saturday, 3:00pm
This historical tour will take a look at the buildings, stores and people of the pre-war Powell Street district, Vancouver's Nihon-machi. The tours are free and are approximately 45 minutes. Meet at the main entrance lobby of VJLS.
英語のツアー:土曜日、午後2時、4時 & 日曜日、午後2時、3時
このツアーは、バンクーバーの日本町と呼ばれる、戦前のパウエ ル通り地区の建物、商店や人々の歴史を巡ります。参加は無料、 約45分かかります。バンクーバー日本語学校のメインエントランスにあるロビーに集合 してください。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 2:00pm - 2:45pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

2:00pm PDT

Meet the Artist: Nao Uda
"316 Powell Street", Ongoing all weekend, VJLS 
Meet the artist Saturday & Sunday, 2pm-6pm
This installation piece is shaped as the map of Powell Street. The viewers are invited to write their childhood memory and stories about the neighborhood on a card in the gallery and put it into the pockets on the map. The artwork will keep changing as the viewers participate it.  
More info>

Saturday August 4, 2018 2:00pm - 6:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

2:30pm PDT

UBC Classical Bujutsu Club • UBC古流武術クラブ
Saturday, 2:30pm – 3:00pm, Demo Area
The UBC Classical Bu-Jutsu Club is an organization dedicated to the practice, preservation, and promotion of the combative systems of feudal Japan. Emphasizing authenticity and tradi- tion, they are associated with the Chofukan Dojo in Kyoto, Japan, and will demonstrate representative techniques from a Muromachi-era martial system called Takenouchi-ryu. For more information on us, please reference www.shofukan.ca
UBC古流武術クラブは、封建時代の日本の戦闘体系を実習、 保存、推進することを目的とした組織です。その真正性と伝統を 重視し、京都にある聴風館道場と交流関係を築いてきました。パ ウエル祭では、竹之内流という室町時代の代表的な格闘体系を 披露します。興味のある方は、ぜひホームページをご覧くださ い:www.shofukan.ca 

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Saturday August 4, 2018 2:30pm - 3:00pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

2:30pm PDT

Vancouver Buddhist Temple Sanctuary Visit • バンクーバー仏教会本堂参拝
Saturday & Sunday, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, Vancouver Buddhist Temple
The Vancouver Buddhist Temple is the first Buddhist Temple in Canada and was established in 1904. The current temple building was constructed over 35 years ago and contains a beautiful sanctuary originally constructed in Japan. Come meet a monk and see where generations of Canadian Shin Buddhists celebrate and express their gratitude for the oneness of the Universe. Meet inside the Exhibit Hall at the Buddhist Temple.
土曜&日曜、午後2時半, 4時半バンクーバー仏教会
バンクーバー仏教会はカナダで始めての仏教寺院で、1904年に 建造されました。現在の建物は35年前に建てられたものですが、 中に日本で作られた美しい祭壇があります。仏教会内の展示ホー ルに集合してください。 

Saturday August 4, 2018 2:30pm - 3:00pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

3:00pm PDT

Otowa Ryu Japanese Dance Group • 音羽流日本舞踊会
Saturday, 3:00pm – 3:30pm, Diamond Stage
Otowa Ryu Japanese Dance Group has introduced Japanese traditional dances and folk dances at many festivals and events across Canada since the group was formed in 1971. The group consists of all ages, from Issei to Gosei (5th generation). 
音羽流日本舞踊会、土曜、午後3時〜3時半、ダイヤモンド・ス テージ
音羽流日本舞踊会は、1971年の結成以来、カナダ全国の多くの お祭りやイベントで日本の伝統的な舞踊や民謡踊りなどを広く 紹介してきました。 

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Saturday August 4, 2018 3:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

3:00pm PDT

Kyudo Association of Canada—Vancouver • カナダ弓道協会バンクーバー支部
 Saturday, 3:00am – 3:30pm, VJLS in the Main Hall
KAC Vancouver is a local group which studies the art of Japanese Archery known as kyudo. In kyudo, they strive to improve themselves through shooting. Kyudo is not limited to the act of shooting; it also encompasses all movement and postures in the dojo. KAC Vancouver is a member of the Kyudo Association of Canada, which is affiliated with the International Kyudo Federation based in Tokyo, Japan. 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 3:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

3:00pm PDT

Banana Bread バナナブレッド
Saturday, 3:00pm-3:30pm, Street Stage 
Yujiro started playing jazz professionally in the Tokyo area in his early twenties. After moving to Canada in 2005, he has been performing regularly played at festivals, other live events and at restaurants. His own band has performed at the Vancouver Jazz Festival every year since 2009. He performed in a solo guitar at West Coast Guitar Festival which one of the biggest solo guitar concerts in Canada, 2012, 2013. 
Yujiroは20代前半に東京でプロとしてジャズの演奏を始めました。 2005年にカナダに移住後、フェスティバルやその他のライブイベント、レストランで定期的に演奏しています。2009年からは、毎年バンクーバー・ジャズ・フェスティバルでバンドで演奏をしています。カナダ国内最大のソロギターコンサートの一つであるWest Coast Guitar Festivalで2012年、2013年にソロギターを演奏しました。 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 3:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

3:00pm PDT

Tatsuya Nakatani タツヤ・ナカタニ
Saturday, 3:00pm-3:30pm, Firehall Theatre
Nakatani has developed his own unique instrumentation, creating new sounds and extended techniques. Utilizing gongs, drums, cymbals, singing bowls, his breath, wooden sticks, metal objects, and the idiosyncratic bows and mallets he handcrafts in his workshop; he sculpts an intense, intuitively primitive, expressive sound form that defies genre. His work engages improvised experimental music, while still retaining the traditional sense of space, depth and deep time found in Japanese art.  
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Saturday August 4, 2018 3:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

3:00pm PDT

Powell Street Historical Walking Tours (in Japanese)• パウエル通りの歴史を巡るウォーキングツアー (日本語でのツアー)
English Tours: Saturday, 2:00pm & 4:00pm & Sunday, 2:00pm & 3:00pm 
Japanese Tours: Saturday, 3:00pm
This historical tour will take a look at the buildings, stores and people of the pre-war Powell Street district, Vancouver's Nihon-machi. The tours are free and are approximately 45 minutes. Meet at the main entrance lobby of VJLS.
英語のツアー:土曜日、午後2時、4時 & 日曜日、午後2時、3時
このツアーは、バンクーバーの日本町と呼ばれる、戦前のパウエ ル通り地区の建物、商店や人々の歴史を巡ります。参加は無料、 約45分かかります。バンクーバー日本語学校のメインエントランスにあるロビーに集合 してください。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 3:00pm - 3:45pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

3:30pm PDT

Vancouver Eishin-Ryu Iaido Club • バンクーバー英信流居合道クラブ
Saturday, 3:30pm – 4:00pm, Demo Area
The Vancouver EishinRyuIaido Club practices the classical form of iaido known as MusoJikidenEishinRyu. This martial art dates back over 450 years and is unbroken in its trans- mission through the ages. They will demonstrate traditional forms of Eishin-RyuIaido.

土曜、午後 3時半〜4時、デモンストレーション・エリア
居合道は、約450年前に発祥し、時を経 て現代まで変わらず伝わる剣技です。バ ンクーバー英信流居合道クラブは、無双 直伝英信流という古来の居合道の流派 に属します。パウエル祭では、伝統的な 英信流居合術の型を披露します。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

3:30pm PDT

Vancouver Ikebana Association • バンクーバー生け花協会
The art of Japanese flower arranging. Demonstrations will take place from 1:30pm and 3:30pm on Saturday and Sunday.
日本の花道文化の展示。実演は、土日の午後1時半、3 時半に行われます。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

3:30pm PDT

Tsukumogami – Japan's Object Ghosts 付喪神 – 日本の器物に宿るおばけ
Saturday, 3:30pm-4:15pm, VJLS 
On its 99th birthday, your favourite hairbrush might spring to life. At least that's the folklore behind Japan's Tsukumogami –– the object ghosts. Or is it? In truth, there is much more to the story behind the umbrella with the huge eye and wagging tongue (as manifested in this year's Design Competition winner, the Karakasa Obake). Learn more with folklorist and author, Zack Davisson.This program will be ASL interpreted. 
99歳の誕生日に、お気に入りのクシに命が吹き込まれるかもしれません。少なくとも日本の民話では、付喪神が宿ると言われています。実際、巨大なひとつ目と揺れる舌をもつ傘には、(今年のDesign Competition の勝者であるからかさおばけのように)たくさんの物語が隠されています。民俗学者兼作者のザック・デイヴィソンから詳しく学びましょう。このプログラムはアメリカ手話通訳されます。 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 3:30pm - 4:15pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

4:00pm PDT

The Politics of Painting by Ikeda Asato, Presented by Centre A Gallery 池田安里博士 絵画の政治
Saturday, 4:00pm-4:30pm, Firehall Theatre
Ikeda will be presenting from her new book The Politics of Painting: Fascism and Japanese Art during the Second World War (Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 2018). The book examines a set of paintings produced in Japan during the 1930s and early 1940s that have received little scholarly attention. Ikeda views works by prominent artists of the time through the lens of fascism, showing their seemingly straightforward paintings of Mount Fuji, samurai, beautiful women, and the countryside supported the war by reinforcing a state ideology that justified violence in the name of the country’s cultural authenticity.   
新刊「絵画の政治:第二次世界大戦中のファシズムと日本の芸術」(ホノルル:ハワイ大学、2018年)の講演。 1930年代から1940年代にかけて日本で生産され、学術的にほとんど注目を集めていない絵画に焦点を当てています。ファシズムのレンズを通して、その時代に有名だった芸術家たちの作品を見ると、富士山、侍、美しい女性たち、田園など一見シンプルに見える絵画たちから、その時代に、文化というの名のもとに暴力を正当化する国家イデオロギーがはびこっていた様子がうかがえます。  
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Saturday August 4, 2018 4:00pm - 4:30pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

4:00pm PDT

Tug-of-War • 綱引き
Saturday & Sunday, 4:00pm – 4:30pm, Children’s Tent 
Work together as a team and win prizes! Please sign up in advance at the Children’s Tent.

チームみんなで力を合わせて賞品を勝ち取ろう。子供テントにて あらかじめ登録してください。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 4:00pm - 4:30pm PDT
Children's Tent Oppenheimer Park

4:00pm PDT

Minemoto Arai Minato
Saturday, 4:00pm – 4:30pm, Street Stage
Sharon Minemoto, Bernie Arai, and Brian Minato will perform together on the Street Stage.

Since the age of sixteen, Sharon Minemoto has been performing to audiences around the world. She is the leader of a trio, a quartet, and a quintet. Her trio and quintet have each released one CD, as well as several shows for CBC Radio. Her quartet's first recording, “Safe Travels,” was released on September 24, 2016. In addition to her own ensembles, she has performed in groups led by Jill Townsend, Cory Weeds, John Korsrud, James Danderfer, Laura Crema, Alan Matheson, Mike Allen, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, and the Phoenix Chamber Choir. Sharon has been a faculty member in the School of Music at Vancouver Community College since 2000.

Bernie Arai is a performer, educator, composer, and recording artists who works in a variety of genres: jazz, improvised music, Japanese traditional, electronic, and computer music. Born and raised in Vancouver, Bernie has toured Canada with various ensembles, as well as Japan, Europe, and the United States. He is a graduate of Capilano University's Jazz Studies program, and is a member of ensembles such as The Hard Rubber Orchestra and The Jennifer Scott Trio. Bernie will be performing with George and Noriko on Sunday, as well as Sharon Minemoto.

Brian Minato is a Vancouver-based musician who has been an active member of the music industry for 21 years. He has recorded with the likes of Sarah McLachlan and Stevie Nicks, and has toured extensively throughout the globe. He has performed on late night television, including The Tonight Show and David Letterman, and at award shows such as The Grammys. He works as a composer, producer, engineer and session musician within the Vancouver music scene. Brian will be performing with George and Noriko on Sunday, as well as Sharon Minemoto.
土曜、午後4時〜4時 半、ストリート・ステージ
Sharon Minemotoは、6歳の時から世界中の観客の前で音楽を 演奏してきました。現在はトリオ(三重奏)、カルテット(四重奏)、ク インテット(五重奏)のリーダーを務めています。トリオとカルテッ トとして、CDを発売し、CBC Radioで楽曲の発表もしています。カ ルテットの初のレコーディング曲「セーフ・トラベル」は、2016年 9月24日にリリースされました。自身のアンサンブルに加えて、Jill Townsend, Cory Weeds, John Korsrud, James Danderfer, Laura Crema, Alan Matheson, Mike Allenの率いる各グループや、バン クーバ・シンフォニー、フェニックス・チェンバー合唱団にも参加し てきました。2000年からは、バンクーバー・コミュニティー・カレッ ジで音楽の講師をしています。
Bernie Araiは、演奏家、教育者、作曲者、およびレコーディング・アーティストとして、ジャズ、即興音楽、日本伝統音楽、電気、コンピューター・ミュージックなど、ジャンルをまたがって活動します。バンクーバー生まれ、バンクーバー育ちのBernieは、さまざまなアンサ
ンブルのグループでカナダ中をツアーでまわり、また、日本、ヨーロッパ、アメリカでも演奏してきました。キャピラノ大学のジャズ学部を卒業し、現在では、The Hard Rubber
Orchestraや、The JenniferScott Trioのメンバーです。パウエル祭では、日曜日にGeorge & Norikoや、Sharon Minemotoと演奏します。
Brian Minatoは、バンクーバーを拠点としたミュージシャンであり、また21年にわたって音楽産業で精力的に活動してきました。Sarah McLachlanやStevie Nicksに匹敵するようなメンバ
ーとレコーディングをし、世界中でツアーをしてきました。また、「The Tonight Show」や、「David Letterman」を含む深夜番組や、グラミー賞にも出演しました。バンクーバーの音楽シーンで、作曲家、プロデューサー、エンジニア、スタジオ・ミュージシャンとして活動しています。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 4:00pm - 4:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

4:00pm PDT

Powell Street Historical Walking Tours (in English) • パウエル通りの歴史を巡るウォーキングツアー (英語でのツアー)
English Tours: Saturday, 2:00pm & 4:00pm & Sunday, 2:00pm & 3:00pm 
Japanese Tours: Saturday, 3:00pm
This historical tour will take a look at the buildings, stores and people of the pre-war Powell Street district, Vancouver's Nihon-machi. The tours are free and are approximately 45 minutes. Meet at the main entrance lobby of VJLS.
英語のツアー:土曜日、午後2時、4時 & 日曜日、午後2時、3時
このツアーは、バンクーバーの日本町と呼ばれる、戦前のパウエ ル通り地区の建物、商店や人々の歴史を巡ります。参加は無料、 約45分かかります。バンクーバー日本語学校のメインエントランスにあるロビーに集合 してください。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 4:00pm - 4:45pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

4:00pm PDT

Meet the Artist: Chiharu Mizukawa
Chiharu Mizukawa – Water Branch 

Saturday & Sunday, 12pm-5pm, Centre A Gallery  
Meet the artist at Centre A Gallery Saturday from 4pm-5pm
Chiharu's work is drawn with sea water and fire on paper. The transparent sea water is not visible to the eyes when drawing, but when it is torched with fire, impurities in the water burn away and become colours and images that reveal themselves.   

水川千春 - ウォーターブランチ 


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Saturday August 4, 2018 4:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Centre A Gallery 268 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1X6

4:15pm PDT

Katari Taiko • 語り太鼓
Saturday, 4:15pm – 4:45pm, Diamond Stage
Katari Taiko has the distinction of being the first taiko drum group formed in Canada and has developed an enthusiastic following. Since its inception in 1979, this group has performed throughout Canada and the US. The synergy of the group, their joy and passion appeals to audiences of all ages and transcends cultural barriers.

土曜、午後4時15 分〜4時45分、ダイヤモンド・ステージ
語り太鼓は、カナダで最初に結成された太鼓グループです。1979 年に結成された当時から、カナダやアメリカの各地で演奏をして きました。チームワーク、活気、そして熱意にあふれた演奏で、幅 広い年齢層や異なる文化的背景を持ったオーディエンスに支持 されています。 

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Saturday August 4, 2018 4:15pm - 4:45pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

4:30pm PDT

Vancouver Buddhist Temple Sanctuary Visit • バンクーバー仏教会本堂参拝
Saturday & Sunday, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, Vancouver Buddhist Temple
The Vancouver Buddhist Temple is the first Buddhist Temple in Canada and was established in 1904. The current temple building was constructed over 35 years ago and contains a beautiful sanctuary originally constructed in Japan. Come meet a monk and see where generations of Canadian Shin Buddhists celebrate and express their gratitude for the oneness of the Universe. Meet inside the Exhibit Hall at the Buddhist Temple.
土曜&日曜、午後2時半, 4時半バンクーバー仏教会
バンクーバー仏教会はカナダで始めての仏教寺院で、1904年に 建造されました。現在の建物は35年前に建てられたものですが、 中に日本で作られた美しい祭壇があります。仏教会内の展示ホー ルに集合してください。

Saturday August 4, 2018 4:30pm - 5:00pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

4:30pm PDT

The Tashme Project: The Living Archives  タシメ・プロジェクト:生きるアーカイブ
Saturday, 4:30pm-5:00pm & Sunday, 12:00pm-12:30pm, VJLS Japanese Hall 
The Tashme Project is a verbatim, or documentary-style play that has been carefully pieced together from over 70 hours of interview time with 20 Nisei, or 2nd generation Japanese Canadians from Vancouver, Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston, Ottawa and Montreal. The play traces the history of the Nisei through childhood, internment and post-WWII resettlement east of the Rockies. Now seniors, the Nisei were children at the time of internment and their memories of adventure and play are presented here in sharp relief to the more common internment narratives of hardship and injustice. This program will be ASL interpreted.  
Tashme Projectは、ドキュメンタリースタイルの演劇です。バンクーバー、トロント、ハミルトン、キングストン、オタワ、モントリオール在住の日系カナダ人二世20人と行われた70時間以上にわたるインタビューをもとに丁寧に製作されました。ロッキー山脈東部の収容所、そして第二次世界大戦後の移住を通して、二世の体験、歴史を辿ります。今では高齢者である二世は、収容時代はまだ子供でした。彼らの体験した冒険と遊びの思い出を、苦難と不平に満ち溢れた一般的に語られる収容生活に垣間見られるひと時の救いとして演出します。このプログラムは、アメリカ手話通訳されます。 

Saturday August 4, 2018 4:30pm - 5:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

4:45pm PDT

Japan Shitoryu Seikokai Karate-do Canada • 日本清光会空手道カナダ
Saturday, 4:45pm – 5:15pm, Demo Area
Japan Seiko-Kai Karate-Do Canada was established in 1970 and currently has over 1000 members nationally. They focus on teaching traditional methods of self-defence, while pro- moting a balance between mind, body and spirit. They will demonstrate karate basics, including punching and kicking techniques, and their application in self-defence. They will include kumite (sparring), with additional focus on women's self defence and knife defence. Additionally, they will showcase jump kick techniques, board-breaking, and a kata performance by their children's team.
土曜、午後 4時45分〜5時15分、デモンストレーション・エリア
日本清光会空手道カナダは、1970年に創立し、現在カナダ全土で 1000人を越えるメンバーが登録しています。伝統的な護身法に力 点を置きながら、同時に、心、体、精神のバランスを促進します。パ ウエル祭では、パンチやキックなどの空手基本技術と、それらの護 身への応用を実演します。例としては、女性による護身や刃物から 身を守るための組手があります。また、子供達による跳び蹴り、板 割り、型の実演もあります。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 4:45pm - 5:15pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

5:00pm PDT

The In-between Perspective: Films by Mayumi Yoshida 吉田真由美による映画 「中間の考え方」
Saturday, 5:00pm-5:30pm, Firehall Theatre  
A screening of local Japanese actor/filmmaker Mayumi Yoshida’s works. Starting with her writer/Director debut short film “AKASHI-あかし-“ and her latest work which was co-directed/co-written with Nach Dudsdeemaytha. 
バンクーバーで活躍する日本人俳優/映画監督の吉田真由美の作品を上映。彼女の作家/監督デビュー作である短編映画AKASHI- あかし -とNach Dudsdeemaythaと共同監督/共著した彼女の最新作をご覧いただけます。 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 5:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

5:00pm PDT

West Side Warriors
Saturday, 5:00pm-5:30pm, Street Stage 
Toby Mukai (Tobes) is 50% Japanese, 50% English and 100% Vancouverite. He is an aspiring composer, musician and rapper. Back in March 2008 he suffered a work place accident (fell three stories of a building) that caused him to go into a recovery program. Despite the odd’s in November 2017, he received a Diploma of Continuing Studies in Digital Music Studies from Langara College. Now Tobes volunteers for the Vancouver Adaptive Music Society (VAMS). Dillon RINO Longson has is an up and coming rapper in the Vancouver scene and have been collaborated for the past 10 years. 
トビー・ムカイ(Tobes)は、50%ジャパニーズ、50%イングリッシュ、100%バンクーバー人です。彼は作曲家、ミュージシャン、ラッパー志望のアーティストです。 2008年3月には、職場での事故(建物の3階からの転落事故)に苦しみ、リハビリ・プログラムに参加しました。そして、 2017年11月にはランガラ・カレッジのデジタル音楽研究を卒業しました。 現在はTobesはVancouver Adaptive Music Society(VAMS)でボランティア活動を行っています。バンクーバーでラッパーとして活躍するディロン・リノ・ロンソンと、過去10年間、コラボレーションを続けてきました。 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 5:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

5:30pm PDT

Saturday, 5:30pm-6:00pm & Sunday, 3:30pm-4:00pm, Diamond Stage 
From Osaka, KARAKORO have crossed the Pacific Ocean to perform both creative and traditional eisa based on classical Okinawan performing arts, inspired by world peace. 
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Saturday August 4, 2018 5:30pm - 6:00pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

6:00pm PDT

Noor Dance Company · ヌーアダンス
Saturday, 6pm – 6:30pm, Street Stage 
Noor Dance Company was founded by Maki and Negma, two of Vancouver's top belly dancers. They have been enthralling audiences around the world, and are thrilled to be back dancing with their students at the Powell Street Festival. Maki has performed and taught in North America, Southeast Asia, and Japan. She is known for her fluidity, artistry, and strong stage presence. Negma has lived and performed in Dubai, Canada, and Japan. Her style balances grace with technical prowess.
ヌーア・ダンス・カンパニーは、MakiとNegmaの二人のベリーダ ンサーによって結成されました。二人はこれまで世界中の観客 を魅了してきましたが、この度、パウエル祭の地に戻り再び生徒 と一緒に踊れることを楽しみにしています。Makiは北米、東南ア ジア、日本の各地で活動をしており、しなやかさ、芸術性、ステー ジ上での存在感の強さで評価されています。Negmaは、ドバイ、 カナダ、日本を拠点に、気品と卓越した技術を兼ね備えたパフォ ーマンスをしてきました。パウエル祭でのショーは、Nergmaと Makiによるデュオで始まり、その後、ヌーアの生徒によるグルー プダンスを3曲、最後はNegma、Maki、生徒全員で、観客の皆さ んを巻き込んでパフォーマンスを行い、エンディングという盛り だくさんのショーです。
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Saturday August 4, 2018 6:00pm - 6:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

6:00pm PDT

Katori Shinto Ryu Kenjutsu • 香取神道流剣術
Sunday, 6:00pm – 6:30pm, Demo Area
Katori Shinto Ryu Kenjutsu is a classical martial art focusing on sword fighting techniques. They train to fight with the traditional samurai weapons including the long and short sword, fighting staff, spear, and naginata (halberd). Modern kendo and iaido were born from the older schools of ken- jutsu but their techniques are practiced in their unmodified forms and the focus is on the complete warrior who can utilize all weapons in practical combat at full speed.
香取神道流剣術は伝統的な武術で、稽古では長刀、短刀、棒、槍、 薙刀(なぎなた)を含む武士の武器を用いた戦術に重点を置きま す。現代の剣道や居合道は剣術の古い流派から発達しましたが、 この流派の特徴は、実戦を念頭に置き、武士さながらの素早い 攻撃を訓練することです。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 6:00pm - 6:30pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

6:30pm PDT

Saturday, 6:30pm – 7:00pm, Diamond Stage
Founded in 1988 to provide a creative outlet for women performing within the confines of a then largely male-dominated cultural tradition, JODAIKO continues to bring together some of the top professional women taiko artists currently based throughout North America. Following the custom of returning for the hometown matsuri, Jodaiko members gather together each year for Powell Street Festival to celebrate, cut loose, eat, and drum!
土曜、午後6時 半〜7時、ダイヤモンド・ステージ
1988年に結成された女太鼓(JODAIKO)は、男性支配的な太鼓の 伝統を打ち破って出てきた、女性太鼓グループのひとつです。北 米全土で最も優れた女性太鼓奏者から編成されています。地元 のお祭りで活躍する日本の太鼓の伝統に従い、毎年パウエル祭 ではメンバーが勢揃いします。

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Saturday August 4, 2018 6:30pm - 7:00pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park
Sunday, August 5

11:30am PDT

Chiharu Mizukawa – Painting with Water and Fire 水川千春 – 水と火による絵画
Sunday, 11:30am-12:00pm, Firehall Theatre 
Visual artist Chiharu Mizukawa will share how she makes her delicate paintings using only three elements: paper, fire, and water. Following a slide show, she will give a demonstration of her unique process. Visiting from Japan for festival weekend only, her work will be displayed at Centre A Gallery (2nd floor, 268 Keefer Street) Aug 4 & 5th.  
ビジュアルアーティストの水川千春が、紙、火、水という3つの要素だけを使って繊細な絵を描きます。スライドショーの後、ユニークな製作プロセスのデモンストレーションを行います。日本からパウエル祭の週末だけバンクーバーに滞在し、作品は8月4日と5日にCentre A Gallery(268 Keefer Street)の2階に展示されます
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Sunday August 5, 2018 11:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

11:30am PDT

Shohei Juku Aikido Canada • 祥平塾合気道カナダ
Sunday, 11:30am – 12:00pm, Demo Area
Aikido is a holistic practice combining physical techniques with mental discipline. Using powerful circular movements, aikido techniques embody the principle of non-resistance, wherein the defender moves in complete harmony with the attacker, bringing the conflict to a peaceful conclusion for both. Shohei Juku Aikido Canada was established to promote the art of Aikido as practiced by Morito Suganuma Sensei (Aikikai 8th dan). Shohei Juku Canada represents the Canadian branch of Suganuma Sensei's organization, which is based in Fukuoka, Japan. In addition to offering Aikido classes to all levels of interested students, their dojo hosts a yearly seminar with Suganuma Sensei in Vancouver.

合気道は肉体的な技巧と精神的な規範を含めた、総合的な実践 です。合気道は抵抗の否定を理念とし、力強い円形の動きを利用 することで、襲撃者との「和合」を目指し、対立を平和的解決に導 くことを追求します。祥平塾合気道カナダは、菅沼守人先生(合 気会八段)の合気道を普及するために創立され、福岡に拠点の ある菅沼塾のカナダ支部となっています。合気道のクラスを提 供するほか、毎年菅沼先生のバンクーバー訪問に際してセミナ ーを開催しています。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 11:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

11:30am PDT

Article 9 • 憲法9条
Saturday & Sunday, VJLS, 4th floor
The Article 9 display is comprised of photos, stories, sketch panels, and historical information concerning the A-bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

広島と長崎の原爆に関する写真、ストーリー、スケッチ、関連する 史実を含む展示です。 

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Sunday August 5, 2018 11:30am - 6:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

11:30am PDT

"316 Powell Street"316パウエル・ストリート
"316 Powell Street", Ongoing all weekend, VJLS
Meet the artist Saturday & Sunday, 2pm-6pm
This installation piece is shaped as the map of Powell Street. The viewers are invited to write their childhood memory and stories about the neighborhood on a card in the gallery and put it into the pockets on the map. The artwork will keep changing as the viewers participate it.  
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Sunday August 5, 2018 11:30am - 7:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

11:30am PDT

Macro Maki Installation · マクロ巻きインスタレーション
Saturday & Sunday, 11:30am – 7:00pm, Oppenheimer Park
"Macro Maki" is an interactive installation which invites festival goers to don pillow-sized sushi costumes and stage selfies on a stage designed as an oversized wooden sushi tray. Winner of the Design Competition, Macro Maki is created by Arkgo Chen, Yilang Kang, Jivan Khera, Alex Laos and Divine Ndemeye, 1st-year Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Archi- tecture students at UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA). The Design Competition, in partnership with Bing Thom Architects (BTA) and Abaton Projects, made possible with financial support from BTA, Hapa Collaborative, PFS Studio, and several individual donors. Free.
インタラクティブなインスタレーション「マクロ巻き」は、本年度のデザイン・コンペの受賞作品です。ご来場の皆さまには、枕サイズの寿司のコスチュームを着て、ステージ上の木製の巨大寿司トレイの前で自撮りができるようになっています。本作品は、Arkgo Chen, Yilang Kang, Jivan Khera, Alex Laos, Divine Ndemeyeと、UBC建築学部および造園業学部の修士の学生ら5 名によって製作されました。このデザイン・コンペは、Bing Thom Architect(s BTA)、AbatonProjectsの協力のもと行われ、BTA、ハッパ・コラボラティブ、PFSスタジオ、そしてその他の寄贈者のみな さまのご支援のもと可能となりました。参加無料。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 11:30am - 7:00pm PDT
Oppenheimer Park

11:30am PDT

Vancouver Japanese Gardeners’ Association · バンクーバー日系ガーデナーズ協会
Saturday & Sunday, 11:30am – 7:00pm, Oppenheimer Park
The Yoyo Balloon Game is hosted by the Vancouver Japanese Gardeners’ Association, a non-profit organization which is over 50 years old. VJGA also features Japanese character masks and kendama.
非営利団体バンクーバー日系ガーデナーズ協会は、今年で50周 年を迎えます。フェスティバルでは、ヨーヨーゲームを主催する他、 キャラクターお面、けん玉も用意しております。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 11:30am - 7:00pm PDT
Oppenheimer Park

11:30am PDT

Vancouver Japanese Gardeners’ Association · バンクーバー日系ガーデナーズ協会
Saturday & Sunday, 11:30am – 7:00pm, Oppenheimer Park
The Yoyo Balloon Game is hosted by the Vancouver Japanese Gardeners’ Association, a non-profit organization which is over 50 years old. VJGA also features Japanese character masks and kendama.
非営利団体バンクーバー日系ガーデナーズ協会は、今年で50周 年を迎えます。フェスティバルでは、ヨーヨーゲームを主催する他、 キャラクターお面、けん玉も用意しております。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 11:30am - 7:00pm PDT
Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Kaya Kurz • カヤ・クルツ
Sunday, 12:00pm – 12:30pm, Street Stage
Kaya Kurz and Francis Henson are a pop/jazz duo who are both currently in the Capilano jazz studies program. They play a wide range of music, from jazz standards to songs from cartoons to Ed Sheeran. They are very excited to be playing at the Powell Street Festival this year!
 日曜、午後12 時〜12時半、ストリート・ステージ
Kaya KurzとFrancis Hensonは、ポップスとジャズのデュオで、現 在キャピラノ・カレッジでジャズの勉強をしています。ジャズのス タンダードからアニメソング、エド・シーランまで、幅広く演奏。今 年のパウエル祭での演奏を楽しみにしています。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 12:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

12:00pm PDT

The Sakura Singers · 桜シンガーズ
Sunday, 12:00pm – 12:30pm, Diamond Stage
The Sakura Singers was formed 45 years ago, directed by Mrs. Ruth Suzuki, and was inaugurated into a Society in 2006. They promote the enjoyment of Japanese songs and better understanding and appreciation by all Canadians pertaining to Japanese Canadian culture. They invite anyone who loves to sing Japanese songs to join them. The Sakura Singers holds its major concert biennially, with the next concert being held in 2019.
日曜、午後12 時〜12時半、ダイヤモンド・ステージ
Sakura SingersはRuth Suzuki指揮のもと45年前創設され、2006 年にブリティッシュ・コロンビア州の非営利団体として登録されま した。日本の歌を広く広めたり、日系カナダ人の文化への理解を 深めるための活動をしています。日本の歌がお好きな方はぜひ ご参加ください。Sakura Singersは、2年に一度コンサートを開催 しています。次のコンサートは2019年です。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 12:30pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

The Tashme Project: The Living Archives  タシメ・プロジェクト:生きるアーカイブ
Saturday, 4:30pm-5:00pm & Sunday, 12:00pm-12:30pm, VJLS Japanese Hall
The Tashme Project is a verbatim, or documentary-style play that has been carefully pieced together from over 70 hours of interview time with 20 Nisei, or 2nd generation Japanese Canadians from Vancouver, Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston, Ottawa and Montreal. The play traces the history of the Nisei through childhood, internment and post-WWII resettlement east of the Rockies. Now seniors, the Nisei were children at the time of internment and their memories of adventure and play are presented here in sharp relief to the more common internment narratives of hardship and injustice. This program will be ASL interpreted.  
Tashme Projectは、ドキュメンタリースタイルの演劇です。バンクーバー、トロント、ハミルトン、キングストン、オタワ、モントリオール在住の日系カナダ人二世20人と行われた70時間以上にわたるインタビューをもとに丁寧に製作されました。ロッキー山脈東部の収容所、そして第二次世界大戦後の移住を通して、二世の体験、歴史を辿ります。今では高齢者である二世は、収容時代はまだ子供でした。彼らの体験した冒険と遊びの思い出を、苦難と不平に満ち溢れた一般的に語られる収容生活に垣間見られるひと時の救いとして演出します。このプログラムは、アメリカ手話通訳されます。

Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 12:30pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

12:00pm PDT

Za Daikon • 座・だいこん
Sunday, 1:00pm–1:30pm, Firehall Theatre 
A Vancouver-based amateur Japanese theatrical group, formed in 1994. They perform Japanese comedies, folktales, and staged readings at various community events. In Japanese with English subtitles. 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 12:30pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

12:00pm PDT

Manga Translation 101 マンガ翻訳入門
Sunday, 12:00pm-12:45pm, VJLS  
If you read manga in English, thank a translator. Manga translation is a hidden art; as creative, controversial, and highly subjective as any other job in comics. Learn the hows and whys from Zack Davisson, award-winning professional manga translator and author of Confessions of a Manga Translator. Bring a pen, because we are going to translate a manga together. 
マンガ翻訳者の苦労をご存知ですか。マンガの翻訳は隠された芸術であり、コミックを書くことと同じくらい創造的で主観的であり、議論を湧き起こす作業です。受賞経験があり、プロのマンガ翻訳家、また Confessions of a Manga Translator の著者でもあるZack Davissonのノウハウを学びませんか?参加希望の方は、マンガを一緒に翻訳しますので、ペンをご持参ください。 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 12:45pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

12:00pm PDT

Japan Bonsai Garden Art · 日本盆栽アート
Saturday & Sunday, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm at the Vancouver Buddhist Temple (220 Jackson)
Japan Bonsai Garden Art was founded over 40 years ago in British Columbia, Canada, and they are passionate and devoted to providing the highest quality bonsai, as well as education through their classes, demos and lectures. The art of miniature trees growing is illuminated through dem- onstrations and displays at the Vancouver Buddhist Temple. Demonstrations will take place from 11:30pm to 1:30pm on Saturday and Sunday.

土曜&日曜、午前12~午後1時30分 バンクーバー仏教会(220ジャクソン通り)

Japan Bonsai Garden Artは、40年以上前にカナダのBC州で設立 されました。メンバーは、上質の盆栽づくりに励み、教室での実演 や講習も行ってきました。バンクーバー仏教会で、実演をお楽しみ ください。実演は、土日の午前11時半〜午後1時半に行われます。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 1:30pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

12:00pm PDT

Children's Activities • 子供テント
Saturday & Sunday, 12:00pm-5:00pm at the Childrens Tent
Take part in a variety of free, supervised children’s activities in the tent. Please sign up at the Children's Tent for Suika Wari, Tug of War, and the Kiai Contest ahead of time; space is limited. (Not a child care program; do not leave children unattended). Facepainting and Children’s Activities also to the west of the Children’s Tent across the grassy area next to the Vancouver Japanese Gardeners’ Association’s Yoyo Balloon Tent.

子供向けの無料のアクティビティ。土曜&日曜、午後12時〜5時。ス イカ割り、綱引き、気合いコンテストに参加希望の方は、参加者数 に制限があるため予め子供テントで登録してください。(保育サー ビスではありません。大人が同伴してください。)
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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Children's Tent Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Children's Activities • 子供テント
Saturday & Sunday, 12:00pm-5:00pm
Take part in a variety of free, supervised children’s activities in the tent. Please sign up at the Children's Tent for Suika Wari, Tug of War, and the Kiai Contest ahead of time; space is limited. (Not a child care program; do not leave children unattended). Facepainting and Children’s Activities also in the tent to the west of the Children’s Tent across the grassy area next to the Vancouver Japanese Gardeners’ Association’s Yoyo Balloon Tent.

子供向けの無料のアクティビティ。土曜&日曜、午後12時〜5時。ス イカ割り、綱引き、気合いコンテストに参加希望の方は、参加者数 に制限があるため予め子供テントで登録してください。(保育サー ビスではありません。大人が同伴してください。) 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Children's Tent Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Origami with Taeko Morita
Sunday, 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Join Taeko Morita at the Children's Tent! 

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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Children's Tent Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Chiharu Mizukawa – Water Branch 水川千春 - ウォーターブランチ
Saturday & Sunday, 12pm-5pm, Centre A Gallery
Meet the artist at Centre A Gallery Saturday from 4pm-5pm
Chiharu's work is drawn with sea water and fire on paper. The transparent sea water is not visible to the eyes when drawing, but when it is torched with fire, impurities in the water burn away and become colours and images that reveal themselves.  
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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Centre A Gallery 268 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1X6

12:00pm PDT

Displays at the Vancouver Buddhist Temple
Saturday & Sunday, 12 pm to 5 pm
Displays are ongoing and located in the Vancouver Buddhist Temple, except for Article 9, which is located on the fourth floor of the Vancouver Japanese Language School. 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

12:00pm PDT

Nao Uda 宇田奈緒 "Words Fail Me" & "The Conversation"「ことばが出ない」&「会話」
Saturday & Sunday, 12:00pm-5:00pm, Centre A Gallery
A slide projection of 45 photographs that were taken in the places related to the Japanese Canadian history in Canada. The stories are inspired from the interviews with Japanese Canadians who used to live on Powell Street in 1930s to 1940s.  
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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Centre A Gallery 268 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1X6

12:00pm PDT

Asahi Pitch Game · バンクーバー朝日軍 ピッチゲーム
Saturday & Sunday 12pm ‒ 5pm Oppenheimer Park Batter up! Can you strike out an Asahi baseball star? Pitch balls past the batter’s swing to win an assortment of prizes. All ages. $2 for three balls.
「打席につけ!」朝日軍の元野球選手を三振させられますか?空 振りをとったピッチャーには、様々な賞品を用意しています。対 象:子供からお年寄りまで。3球2ドル。 

Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Oppenheimer Park

12:00pm PDT

Meet and Greet the Daruma · ダルマと写真を撮ろう!
Oppenheimer Park Daruma, the traditional Japanese “wishing doll”, greets festival goers throughout the weekend. Make a PSF birthday wish and/or post your photos at @powellstfest_ daruma #powellstfest. Costume design by Diane Park. 

土曜日&日曜日 午後12時~午後5時 オッペンハイマー公園
フェスティバル開催中、ダルマが来場者の皆様に挨拶にまわ ります。PSFの記念日を祝ってダルマと写真を撮り@powellst- fest_daruma #powellstfestにポストしてください。コスチューム デザイン:ディアン・パーク。

Sunday August 5, 2018 12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Oppenheimer Park

12:30pm PDT

Shorinji Kempo • 少林寺拳法
Sunday, 12:30pm – 1:00pm, Demo Area
Shorinji Kempo are practitioners of shorinij kempo, a martial art that has benefits of self defence, physical health, and spiritual development. Their common goal is to improve society by improving the lives of its members.
 日曜、午後1 2時半〜1時、デモンストレーション・エリア
少林寺拳法は「護身練鍛」、「健康増進」、「精神修養」の三徳を兼ね 備えた武道です。社会の構成員の生活を向上することが、少林寺 拳法の目的とされます。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

1:00pm PDT

Vancouver Okinawa Taiko • バンクーバー沖縄太鼓
Sunday, 1:00pm – 1:30pm, Diamond Stage
Vancouver Okinawa Taiko has been performing at numerous cultural festivals, charity functions, and anniversary events in North America for over a decade. The group's aim is to share Okinawan style drum-dancing and to promote Okinawan culture. Their membership is made up of several generations to reflect this grassroots folk art.
バンクーバー沖縄太鼓は、過去10年以上にわたって、北米の様々 なフェスティバルや、チャリティー・イベント、記念行事で演奏して きました。グループの目的は、沖縄の太鼓舞踊と沖縄文化を紹介 することです。草の根の民族文化を反映し、世代をまたがったメン バーで構成されています。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 1:00pm - 1:30pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

1:00pm PDT

Urasenke Foundation of Vancouver, Sa-do (Tea Service) • 茶道-裏千家バンクーバー支部
 Sunday, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm
Vancouver Japanese Language School Tatami Room (5th Floor)
The Urasenke Foundation of Vancouver promotes the practice of the Japanese Way of Tea through lessons, demonstrations and public events throughout the year. We invite you to participate in an authentic tea service in the tranquil tatami room on the VJLS rooftop. All guests will be served tea and a sweet. Please sign up in advance at the Information Booth 30 minutes prior to ceremony time. 

茶道-裏千家バンクーバー支部 日曜日、午後1時、2時、3時、4時 バンクーバー日本語学校畳間

裏千家バンクーバー支部は、年間を通じて、茶道の稽古、発表、イ ベントへの参加をしています。パウエル祭では、バンクバー日本 語学校の畳間にて、皆さまを本格的な呈茶にご案内いたします。 参加希望の方は、開始30分前までに、あらかじめインフォメーシ ョン・ブースにて予約をしてください。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 1:00pm - 2:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

1:30pm PDT

Busenkai (Iwamaryu Aikido & Tamiya-Ryu Iaijutsu) • 武仙会(岩間流&田宮流居術)
Sunday, 1:30pm – 2:00pm, Demo Area
Iwama Shinshin Aikido Busenkai is under the supervision of Kenny Sembokuya Sensei, Student of Hitohira Saito Sensei. He was appointed as an instructor for the Busenkai Tokyo Branch in 2010, as well as the head instructor for Canada, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. Busenkai also practices Tamiya-Ryu Iaijutsu. Canada Tamiya-Ryu Iaijutsu Genkei Branch is the first official branch in Canada and an extension of the Tokyo Genkei Honbu (Headquarters) dojo. The Tamiya- Ryu style of iaido is practiced around the world. Techniques are performed with large movements and great precision to embody and express nobility and beauty.

岩間神信合気道武仙会は、斎藤ひとひら先生の弟子ケニー・セン ボクヤ先生が指導のもと活動を行なっています。センボクヤ先生 は、2010年に武仙会東京支部で指導者として選定され、カナダ、 マレーシア、インドネシア、台湾、香港、中国における指導者代表 としても選ばれました。カナダ田宮流居合術元慶支部は、カナダ 初の支部で、東京本部の道場から派生しています。俊敏且つ大き な動きで気高さと美しさを表現します。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 1:30pm - 2:00pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

1:30pm PDT

Vancouver Ikebana Association • バンクーバー生け花協会
The art of Japanese flower arranging. Demonstrations will take place from 1:30pm and 3:30pm on Saturday and Sunday.
日本の花道文化の展示。実演は、土日の午後1時半、3 時半に行われます。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 1:30pm - 2:15pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

1:30pm PDT

Vancouver Ikebana Association • バンクーバー生け花協会
The art of Japanese flower arranging. Demonstrations will take place from 1:30pm and 3:30pm on Saturday and Sunday.
日本の花道文化の展示。実演は、土日の午後1時半、3 時半に行われます。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 1:30pm - 2:15pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

2:00pm PDT

Kids Kiai Contest • 気合コンテスト
Sunday, 2:00pm – 2:30pmm Children’s Tent
This is the time that kids can be as noisy as they want! Volunteer judges award prizes for the loudest, most creative, scariest screams and yells. Sign up in advance at the Children’s Tent 
日曜、午後2時〜2時半、子 供テント
子供たちが好きなだけ騒げる絶好のチャンス!ボランティアの審 査員が、一番大声賞、クリエイティブ賞、こわい賞を選び、賞品を 進呈します。子供テントであらかじめご登録を。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 2:00pm - 2:30pm PDT
Children's Tent Oppenheimer Park

2:00pm PDT

Satsuki-kai Odori Group • 彩月会踊りグループ
Sunday, 2:00 – 2:30pm, Diamond Stage
The Satsuki Kai Dance Group started in May 2011, with the goal of learning and enjoying Japanese dance in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, under the direction of dancing master Kayo Nishikawa, of the Nishikawa School of Japanese Dance. They have performed at numerous festivals and events in the Lower Mainland, as well as at seniors' centres.
彩月会は2011年5月に結成され、日本舞踊西川流師範西川佳洋先 生のご指導の下、楽しくリラックスした環境で踊りの稽古をしてい ます。これまで、Lower Mainlandのさまざまなフェスティバルやイ ベント、シニアセンターで発表してきました。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 2:00pm - 2:30pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

2:00pm PDT

Handpan Journey ハンドパン・ジャーニー
Sunday, 2:00pm-2:30pm, Street Stage 
Handpan Journey is a handpan player who travels the world. The instrument he plays is called hand pan, which is a very uncommon instrument. Although it is percussion, there are also melodies, beautiful sounds that come out and it is used for healing as well. There are only a few people who play handpan in Canada, so he hopes everyone will get to know and build a new Japanese Canadian culture. 

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Sunday August 5, 2018 2:00pm - 2:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

2:00pm PDT

The Supernatural Cats of Japan 日本の化け猫
Sunday, 2:00pm-2:45pm, Firehall Theatre 
All cats are magical, but the cats of Japan have their own secrets. If they live long enough, their tails split, they stand on their hind legs, and they start to dance. Come learn some of the secrets of these bakeneko from yokai scholar and author of Supernatural Cats of Japan Zack Davisson. 
どの猫もどこか神秘的ですが、日本の猫はそれぞれ秘密があります。長く生きていると、尾が割れ、後ろ足で立って踊り始めます。Supernatural Cats of Japan の著者であり、妖怪学者のザック・デイヴィソンから化け猫の秘密を教えてもらいましょう。 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 2:00pm - 2:45pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

2:00pm PDT

Powell Street Historical Walking Tours (in English) • パウエル通りの歴史を巡るウォーキングツアー (英語でのツアー)
English Tours: Saturday, 2:00pm & 4:00pm & Sunday, 2:00pm & 3:00pm 
Japanese Tours: Saturday, 3:00pm
This historical tour will take a look at the buildings, stores and people of the pre-war Powell Street district, Vancouver's Nihon-machi. The tours are free and are approximately 45 minutes. Meet at the main entrance lobby of VJLS.
英語のツアー:土曜日、午後2時、4時 & 日曜日、午後2時、3時
このツアーは、バンクーバーの日本町と呼ばれる、戦前のパウエ ル通り地区の建物、商店や人々の歴史を巡ります。参加は無料、 約45分かかります。バンクーバー日本語学校のメインエントランスにあるロビーに集合 してください。

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Sunday August 5, 2018 2:00pm - 2:45pm PDT
Powell & Jackson

2:00pm PDT

Urasenke Foundation of Vancouver, Sa-do (Tea Service) • 茶道-裏千家バンクーバー支部
 Sunday, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm
Vancouver Japanese Language School Tatami Room (5th Floor)
The Urasenke Foundation of Vancouver promotes the practice of the Japanese Way of Tea through lessons, demonstrations and public events throughout the year. We invite you to participate in an authentic tea service in the tranquil tatami room on the VJLS rooftop. All guests will be served tea and a sweet. Please sign up in advance at the Information Booth 30 minutes prior to ceremony time. 

茶道-裏千家バンクーバー支部 日曜日、午後1時、2時、3時、4時  バンクーバー日本語学校畳間

裏千家バンクーバー支部は、年間を通じて、茶道の稽古、発表、イ ベントへの参加をしています。パウエル祭では、バンクバー日本 語学校の畳間にて、皆さまを本格的な呈茶にご案内いたします。 参加希望の方は、開始30分前までに、あらかじめインフォメーシ ョン・ブースにて予約をしてください。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 2:00pm - 3:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

2:00pm PDT

Meet the Artist: Nao Uda
"316 Powell Street", Ongoing all weekend, VJLS
Meet the artist Saturday & Sunday, 2pm-6pm
This installation piece is shaped as the map of Powell Street. The viewers are invited to write their childhood memory and stories about the neighborhood on a card in the gallery and put it into the pockets on the map. The artwork will keep changing as the viewers participate it.  
More info> 

Sunday August 5, 2018 2:00pm - 6:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

2:30pm PDT

Vancouver Buddhist Temple Sanctuary Visit • バンクーバー仏教会本堂参拝
Saturday & Sunday, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, Vancouver Buddhist Temple
The Vancouver Buddhist Temple is the first Buddhist Temple in Canada and was established in 1904. The current temple building was constructed over 35 years ago and contains a beautiful sanctuary originally constructed in Japan. Come meet a monk and see where generations of Canadian Shin Buddhists celebrate and express their gratitude for the oneness of the Universe. Meet inside the Exhibit Hall at the Buddhist Temple.
土曜&日曜、午後2時半, 4時半バンクーバー仏教会
バンクーバー仏教会はカナダで始めての仏教寺院で、1904年に 建造されました。現在の建物は35年前に建てられたものですが、 中に日本で作られた美しい祭壇があります。仏教会内の展示ホー ルに集合してください。

Sunday August 5, 2018 2:30pm - 3:00pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

3:00pm PDT

Yoshinkan Aikido British Columbia Association • 養神館合気道ブリティッシュ・コロンビア支部
Sunday, 3:00pm – 3:30pm, Demo Area
Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art based upon the prin- ciple of harmony through connection, balance, and timing. It is an extremely powerful form of self defence that is also gentle and non-aggressive: carefully controlling an attacker using the attacker’s own energy. Strength is not emphasized because the use of physical strength is unnecessary. Shioda Aikido is the Aikido of Gozo Shioda; Morihei Ueshiba’s most outstanding student, and preserves the hard style, pre-war teachings of O'Sensei.
合気道は、連結、バランス、そしてタイミングを利用した和合の原 理に基づいて高度に発展した日本の武術です。護身術として非常 に強力でありながら、優しく、攻撃的なものではありません。攻撃 者のエネルギーを利用して相手をコントロールするため、肉体的 な力は必要がありません。篠田合気道は、植芝盛平大先生の戦前 からの教えを忠実に守る篠田剛造式の合気道です。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 3:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

3:00pm PDT

Kohei Yoshino コウヘイ・ヨシノ
Sunday, 3:00pm-3:30pm, Street Stage 
Kohei Yoshino is a singer songwriter based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Since he picked up an acoustic guitar at the age of 10, Kohei has actively performed in bands in countries such as Japan, Mexico, and Canada. Currently he spends most of his time writing his own music and entertaining locals and tourists on Granville Island. 

Sunday August 5, 2018 3:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

3:00pm PDT

Unpacking Our Histories – A Community Conversation by Kayla Isomura 歴史を紐解く – コミュニティ・カンバセーション
Sunday, 3:00pm-3:45pm, VJLS 
Unpack complex stories in this cross-generational, cross-cultural conversation inspired by the Nikkei National Museum's current exhibit The Suitcase Project. This exhibit, featuring Kayla Isomura, asks yonsei and gosei (fourth and fifth generation) Japanese Canadians and Americans what they would pack if uprooted from their homes in a moment’s notice, an experience many of their ancestors endured but rarely spoke about. This community exchange asks participants how their family's journey has led them to where they are today. 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 3:00pm - 3:45pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

3:00pm PDT

Powell Street Historical Walking Tours (in English) • パウエル通りの歴史を巡るウォーキングツアー (英語でのツアー)
English Tours: Saturday, 2:00pm & 4:00pm & Sunday, 2:00pm & 3:00pm 
Japanese Tours: Saturday, 3:00pm
This historical tour will take a look at the buildings, stores and people of the pre-war Powell Street district, Vancouver's Nihon-machi. The tours are free and are approximately 45 minutes. Meet at the main entrance lobby of VJLS.
英語のツアー:土曜日、午後2時、4時 & 日曜日、午後2時、3時
このツアーは、バンクーバーの日本町と呼ばれる、戦前のパウエ ル通り地区の建物、商店や人々の歴史を巡ります。参加は無料、 約45分かかります。バンクーバー日本語学校のメインエントランスにあるロビーに集合 してください。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 3:00pm - 3:45pm PDT
Powell & Jackson

3:00pm PDT

Urasenke Foundation of Vancouver, Sa-do (Tea Service) • 茶道-裏千家バンクーバー支部
 Sunday, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm
Vancouver Japanese Language School Tatami Room (5th Floor)
The Urasenke Foundation of Vancouver promotes the practice of the Japanese Way of Tea through lessons, demonstrations and public events throughout the year. We invite you to participate in an authentic tea service in the tranquil tatami room on the VJLS rooftop. All guests will be served tea and a sweet. Please sign up in advance at the Information Booth 30 minutes prior to ceremony time. 
茶道-裏千家バンクーバー支部 日曜日、午後1時、2時、3時、4時 バンクーバー日本語学校畳間

裏千家バンクーバー支部は、年間を通じて、茶道の稽古、発表、イ ベントへの参加をしています。パウエル祭では、バンクバー日本 語学校の畳間にて、皆さまを本格的な呈茶にご案内いたします。 参加希望の方は、開始30分前までに、あらかじめインフォメーシ ョン・ブースにて予約をしてください。 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

3:30pm PDT

Saturday, 5:30pm-6:00pm & Sunday, 3:30pm-4:00pm, Diamond Stage 
From Osaka, KARAKORO have crossed the Pacific Ocean to perform both creative and traditional eisa based on classical Okinawan performing arts, inspired by world peace. 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

3:30pm PDT

Soramaru Takayama · 高山宙丸
Sunday, 3:30pm — 4:00pm, Firehall Theatre
Soramaru Takayama will time travel with you to a parallel world which is somewhat influenced by Japanese culture. This is a bilingual event (English and Japanese). 
日曜, 午後3時半〜4時 ファイアーホールシアター 
高山宙丸が、みなさんを日本文化の香りの漂うパラレル・ワール ドにお連れします。日本語、英語対応。 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

3:30pm PDT

Nakatani Gong Orchestra ナカタニ・ゴング・オーケストラ
Sunday, 3:30pm-4:00pm, Vancouver Language School Hall 
NGO, NAKATANI GONG ORCHESTRA, is a contemporary live Sound Art project that tours throughout North and Central America. NGO is a continuous, growing community engagement project; and the only bowing Gong orchestra in existence in the world today. The rich harmonies produced from multiple layers of bowed gongs are transformative, engaging and inspiring for both players and audiences. This performance includes fourteen participants from Vancouver. 
ナカタニ・ゴング・オーケストラ(NGO)は、北米および中米全域でツアーを行っているコンテンポラリー・ライブサウンドアート・プロジェクトです。 NGOは継続的に活動を広げている地域密着型プロジェクトで、今日、世界で唯一のボーイング・ゴングのオーケストラです。曲がったゴングの複数のレイヤーから生み出される豊かなハーモニーは、演奏者と観客にとって変革的かつ魅力的であり、刺激的です。パフォーマンスには14人がバンクーバーから参加します。 
More info about NGO>
More info about Tatsuya Nakatani>

Sunday August 5, 2018 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

4:00pm PDT

Tug-of-War • 綱引き
Saturday & Sunday, 4:00pm – 4:30pm, Children’s Tent 
Work together as a team and win prizes! Please sign up in advance at the Children’s Tent.
チームみんなで力を合わせて賞品を勝ち取ろう。子供テントにて あらかじめ登録してください。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 4:00pm - 4:30pm PDT
Children's Tent Oppenheimer Park

4:00pm PDT

Seishun Youth Academy 青SHUN学園カナダ校
Sunday, 4:00pm-4:30pm, Street Stage
Join Seishun Youth Academy, the Canadian sister group to Japanese rock idol unit Seishun Gakuen, at the Powell Street Festival! Seishun Youth Academy will deliver an authentic and exciting idol performance with their original songs in both English and Japanese! Together, let's make this the hottest stage in all of Canada!
福岡発ロック系アイドルユニット『青SHUN学園』のカナダ校『Seishun Youth Academy』!日本のアイドル文化を全世界に広めることを目標にしてカナダのバンクーバー市を中心にライブ活動を行っている個性豊かな全員カナダ人の次世代アイドルユニット。メッセージ性の強いオリジナル楽曲を英語と日本語で歌いながら元気でパワフルなステージをお届けします。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 4:00pm - 4:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

4:00pm PDT

Urasenke Foundation of Vancouver, Sa-do (Tea Service) • 茶道-裏千家バンクーバー支部
 Sunday, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm
Vancouver Japanese Language School Tatami Room (5th Floor)
The Urasenke Foundation of Vancouver promotes the practice of the Japanese Way of Tea through lessons, demonstrations and public events throughout the year. We invite you to participate in an authentic tea service in the tranquil tatami room on the VJLS rooftop. All guests will be served tea and a sweet. Please sign up in advance at the Information Booth 30 minutes prior to ceremony time. 

茶道-裏千家バンクーバー支部 日曜日、午後1時、2時、3時、4時 バンクーバー日本語学校畳間
裏千家バンクーバー支部は、年間を通じて、茶道の稽古、発表、イ ベントへの参加をしています。パウエル祭では、バンクバー日本 語学校の畳間にて、皆さまを本格的な呈茶にご案内いたします。 参加希望の方は、開始30分前までに、あらかじめインフォメーシ ョン・ブースにて予約をしてください。 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 4:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Vancouver Japanese Language School 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver

4:00pm PDT

Sumo Tournament • 相撲トーナメント
Sunday, 4:00pm – 5:00pm, Demo Area
With mentorship from the Vancouver Sumo Fun Club, PSF hosts a Sumo Tournament for festival visitors. Do you have what it takes to be the Yokozuna (Grand Champion)? Festival visitors – men and women alike – are encouraged to take part in this exciting competition. To win, you must force your opponent out of the circle! But if you get forced out – or if any of your body parts others than the soles of your feet touch the dohyo (ring) – you lose! Pre-registration required. On Sunday, sign up near the totem pole between 12 and 2pm.
 日曜、午後4 時〜5時、オッペンハイマー公園 
バンクーバー相撲ファンクラブの協力のもと、パウエル祭の来場 者によるトーナメントを開催します。男女歓迎。参加には事前の 登録が必要です。土曜日はジャクソン・アベニューの相撲フード ブースにて、日曜日はトーナメントの1時間前までに公園南側のトーテムポールのそばで登録が可能です。
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Sunday August 5, 2018 4:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

4:30pm PDT

Kokoro with Jo Hirabayashi ココロ with ジョ・ヒラバヤシ
Sunday, 4:30pm-5:00pm, Firehall Theatre
Kokoro Dance was formed in 1986 by Barbara Bourget and Jay Hirabayashi and has since performed more than 1,000 times across Canada, the U.S., in Europe, Mexico, and South America. Kokoro Dance has created more than 190 dance works based on its own blend of contemporary dance and butoh. 
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Sunday August 5, 2018 4:30pm - 5:00pm PDT
Firehall Arts Centre 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC

4:30pm PDT

Vancouver Buddhist Temple Sanctuary Visit • バンクーバー仏教会本堂参拝
Saturday & Sunday, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, Vancouver Buddhist Temple
The Vancouver Buddhist Temple is the first Buddhist Temple in Canada and was established in 1904. The current temple building was constructed over 35 years ago and contains a beautiful sanctuary originally constructed in Japan. Come meet a monk and see where generations of Canadian Shin Buddhists celebrate and express their gratitude for the oneness of the Universe. Meet inside the Exhibit Hall at the Buddhist Temple.
土曜&日曜、午後2時半, 4時半バンクーバー仏教会
バンクーバー仏教会はカナダで始めての仏教寺院で、1904年に 建造されました。現在の建物は35年前に建てられたものですが、 中に日本で作られた美しい祭壇があります。仏教会内の展示ホー ルに集合してください。

Sunday August 5, 2018 4:30pm - 5:00pm PDT
Vancouver Buddhist Temple 220 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver

5:00pm PDT

BUSHIDO 節童 (Children of Song)
Sunday, 5:00pm-5:30pm, Street Stage  
Co‐founded by Alcvin Ryuzen Ramos and Nori Akagi, Bushido infuses fresh, contemporary energy into traditional Japanese folk melodies. Bushido's sound ranges from fiery samurai beats to meditative ninja-scapes drawing from the musical traditions of Japan, and various world cultures. They perform on taiko, shakuhachi, shinobue, Tsugaru Shamisen, yidaki, and djembe.  
Alcvin Ryuzen Ramosとアカギ・ノリが共同創設した節童は、新鮮で現代的なエネルギーを伝統的な日本の民俗旋律に吹き込みます。節童の響きは、激しい武士の鼓動から、日本の音楽の伝統から逸脱した瞑想する忍者を表現したもの、そして世界の様々な文化にまで及びます。太鼓、尺八、篠枝、津軽三味線、ディジュリドゥ、ジャンベを演奏します。 

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Sunday August 5, 2018 5:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

5:00pm PDT

Tanko Bushi • 炭坑節
Sunday, 5:00pm – 5:30pm, Oppenheimer Park 
A staple of any Matsuri! This is your chance to dance to the famous Tanko Bushi, the coal miners song. The steps are simple so everyone can take part, even those with two left feet!

祭りの定番!かつて炭坑労働者によって歌われた「炭坑節」に合 わせて踊りましょう。ステップは簡単。不器用な人でも踊れます!

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Sunday August 5, 2018 5:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Demo Area Oppenheimer Park

5:30pm PDT

Emma Lee Toyoda エマ・リー・トヨダ
Sunday, 5:30pm-6:00pm, Diamond Stage 
Emma plays electric guitar and sings/screams about their emotions and experiences. 

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Sunday August 5, 2018 5:30pm - 6:00pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

6:00pm PDT

FINAL DRAW for the PSF Lottery
We'll be announcing the winners of the top 4 prizes.

Check out the details ›

Sunday August 5, 2018 6:00pm - 6:15pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park

6:00pm PDT

de Couto/Nagasaki/James Organ Trio デ・コウト/ナガサキ/ジェームズ オルガン トリオ
Sunday, 6:00pm-6:30pm, Street Stage 
The de Couto/Nagasaki/James Organ Trio is a Vancouver ensemble led by Jason de Couto on Hammond B3 Organ, and features Leon Nagasaki on Guitar and Justin James on Drums. All three members are active and integral musicians in the local music scene and work in a variety of ensembles as leaders and sidemen. They have come together to form a unique and dynamic sound rarely heard in Vancouver, featuring the mighty Hammond Organ. The group plays a mix of Jazz, Funk, Pop, Latin, and Blues music, with influences ranging from Jimmy Smith, and Jimmy McGriff, to Larry Goldings and Sam Yahel. 
de Couto / Nagasaki / James Organ Trioは、Hammond B3 Organ奏者のJason de Coutoが率いるバンクーバーのアンサンブルで、ギターのLeon NagasakiとドラムのJustin Jamesをフィーチャーしています。 3人のメンバー全員が地元の音楽シーンで活動的しており、様々なアンサンブルで指導者や奏者として活躍しています。3人のコラボレーションは、バンクーバーでは珍しいユニークでダイナミックなサウンドを作り出しあす。また、このグループは、Jimmy Smith、Jimmy McGriff、Larry Goldings、Sam Yahelなど、ジャズ、ファンク、ポップ、ラテン、ブルースの各曲を演奏しています。 

Sunday August 5, 2018 6:00pm - 6:30pm PDT
Street Stage Beside VJLS-JH, on Jackson north of Alexander Street

6:30pm PDT

Sansho Daiko • 山椒太鼓
Sunday at 6:30pm-7:00pm, Street Stage
Drawing on both contemporary and traditional repertoire, Sansho Daiko brings a fresh approach to an ancient art form, creating a visual and aural experience that crosses ethnic and cultural boundaries. Group members bring with them years of experience gained in other taiko groups and share a love of experimentation and exploration. Like the plant it was named after, Sansho Daiko seeks to be a spicy addition to the west coast taiko scene!
日曜、午後6時半〜7 時、ストリート・ステージ
山椒太鼓は、現代曲と伝統曲両方を用い、また聴覚だけでなく視 覚にも訴え、民族的・文化的境界を越えることで、古代の芸術に新 しい風を吹き込みます。他の太鼓グループで何年にも渡って培ってきた経験を生かしながら、試験的な取り組みをしています。植 物の山椒のように、西海岸の太鼓シーンにピリリとしたスパイス を加えるような存在でありたいと思っています! sanshodaiko.ca
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Sunday August 5, 2018 6:30pm - 7:00pm PDT
Diamond Stage Oppenheimer Park
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